7. Evaluate the psychosocial impact of infertility in the family: The large impact of infertility on the patient, her partner and their families should be assessed and used to help the patients and other affected/involved individuals.
The psychosocial impact of infertility on the affected people and their families is usually very significant. The healthcare provider can subjectively assess by simple questions to the patient and her partner regarding the effect on her personal life, married life and within her family.
More objective assessments can be measured through responses within questionnaires, such as FertiQol or others (Boivin, 2011). Assessment by mental health professionals, when available, can provide additional insight and support for the patient.
The information obtained can be used to counsel the individual patient, her partner and, when possible, their families. Research can be done with these results to better understand the impact of infertility in different settings.
Non-identifying information obtained from these questionnaires should also be used to influence authorities on the need to care for infertile couples.